8:00-8:10 Arrival time, health check, hand washing, choose their job, look at books.
8:10-8:45 Bathroom, handwashing, breakfast, clean up.
8:45-9:00 Large group activities, transition to small group.
9:00-9:20 Small group activities, planning time, transition to free choice.
9:20-10:15 Free choice time.
10:15-10:30 Clean up, recall time.
10:30-10:40 Restroom time.
10:40-11:25 Outside time.
11:25-12:00 Restrooms, handwashing, lunch.
12:00-1:30 Napping, teacher lunches/breaks.
1:30-1:50 Music time.
1:50-2:10 Handwashing, snack.
2:10-2:30 Outside time, dismissal.
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